The Real Problem With COVID Vaccines

During the course of some research I was doing on the role of vitamin D in tuberculosis infection (which used to be a major cause of mortality in the world and would frequently take half the members of entire families), I came across a surprising fact about polio which I had not known before, which was that while the effects of polio could be extremely devastating and result in lifelong debilitation, those side effects were not nearly as common as the actual infection as their severity would seem to imply, and in fact most people would not even show obvious symptoms from being infected. This actually made it far more dangerous to those children who would be susceptible to it because exposure was then not at all easy to avoid or anticipate, let alone protect against.

I have seen some circulating thoughts about polio infection, alternatively claiming that exposure to pesticides or other environmental toxicants, and while yes exposure to harmful chemicals can and do debilitate the immune system, the progenitors of such theories conveniently ignore the fact that polio does not happen any longer in developed countries even though we have an alarming increase of and widespread exposure to pesticides and toxic agricultural and industrial chemicals than ever before.

Likewise, both sides of vaccine issues are insane. Vaccine proponents are stupid to ignore the very real problems with vaccines, such as their mercury content or the overly aggressive adjunct ingredients which are meant to enhance the immune reaction which can be very harmful to people who have preexisting conditions. Vaccine deniers are also ridiculous to peddle completely laughable conspiracy theories like exuding viral particulate when there are plenty of real problems with vaccines that do not require exaggeration, and if you are afraid of vaccinated people exuding viral or vaccine particulate, how do you think the actual disease doesn’t do this?

The discourse is also lacking basic empathy for our fellow humans. Fear is an enormous driver of personal decision making and our perspective of life, but calling doctors “death-dealers'“ while they work body-breaking hours to try and save people who are dying is absolutely callous and ignorant. There are lots of problems with the industrial medical complex, but murderous doctors are not one of them. On the other side, treating vaccine hesitant people with contempt is a betrayal of your own fear of being stupid, and all your anti-vaccine shaming does nothing to help people get vaccinated, but it does make you look like a heartless monster who cannot appreciate the fears of others. Vaccines are a marvel of innovation and extremely technical in their biological action and construction that even those who make them do not fully understand all the mechanics. Of course people are scared of vaccines. Our government also has a very real history of forced sterilization of the indigent, minority and marginalized populations, and mentally ill, and pretending like these kinds of horrors have not occurred and do not complicate efforts like mass vaccination is just as ignorant as people afraid of the vaccine for errant and conspiratorial reasons.

NO MEDICINE IS SAFE. That is the ultimate caveat when it comes to vaccines. People who are virulently anti-vaccine probably have a cupboard with Tylenol and Ibuprofen, which they believe are safe, and they are in small doses, but long-term use is toxic and depletes liver sulfate stores and inhibit inflammation so much that they actually impair regeneration and healing pathways, and lower testosterone production in men. To be afraid of vaccines while taking any other medication is just fucking stupid.

Some rational justification for avoiding vaccines are insanely cherry-picked. I have seen reputable authorities talk about inflammation from the vaccine as if the actual viral infection doesn’t cause inflammation, and shows and embarrassing deficit of scientific literacy for people who should know how the body works. Inflammation is how our body activates immune and regeneration pathways. Any infection or metabolic problem causes inflammation because that is how the body is alerted to and mobilizes immune and regeneration factors. Saying the vaccine causes inflammation is like saying the sun causes light. Yes. IT’S SUPPOSED TO. THAT’S THE FUCKING POINT.

Fearmongering around mRNA vaccines is also well-meaning but misguided, and is an effective disinformation tool BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT mRNA IS. The idea that a vaccine can alter your DNA seems plausible, and theoretically could occur, but is only scary because you do not understand DNA, or vaccines, or viruses for that matter. Viruses alter our DNA all the time, that is how viruses work, and there is ample evidence that ours and other animals’ evolutionary history is significantly influenced by viruses. DNA is not an immutable, single entity. There cannot be a single factor which enters the body and rewrites your DNA, because there is a full copy of your ENTIRE DNA in EVERY SINGLE ONE of your 30 to 40 TRILLION cells. Changes in DNA that did this would result in your immediate death, because every cell in the body operates on very specific DNA instructions every single moment of every single day. It determines how your body’s pH remains in a tight balance, how your nerves conduct electrical signals to your heart and lungs, or keeps your brain in constant metabolic activity at all times. Many failed pregnancies are in fact this kind of damage or change to DNA, because it makes the fetus unviable and unable to actually live, and as such perish rapidly or shortly after birth. Systemic DNA changes of the kind that people are worried about from vaccines, which by the way are suspiciously unspecific to warrant the kind of fear they incite, which is actually the point because as humans we fear most what we do not understand, do not happen without also causing outright death. Otherwise, why doesn’t the change in DNA cause you to sprout wings, or turn a shade of cyan, or open your third-eye to communicate with the supernatural? The mRNA vaccines work on the same principle as the actual virus, because viruses enter our cells and insert their own mRNA code to turn our cells into viral replication factories. Being afraid of vaccine mRNA but not viral mRNA is a consequence of being completely ignorant to how viruses and biology actually work, because it’s going to happen to you when and if you get exposed to a virus, and since every human being on earth carries lifelong, chronic infections of herpes viruses (cold sores, chickenpox, genital herpes, epstein-barr, shingles, cytomegalovirus) and others this has already happened to you.

Even with the problems with vaccines, they are still more beneficial than not, and even though they don’t confer permanent, long-term protection they still strongly reduce the incidents of hospitalization and death, with about 80'% of hospitalizations being from unvaccinated or under-vaccinated (since most vaccines available now require more than one dose). But there are real problems with COVID vaccines which are not being addressed by the medical profession or government attempts to end the pandemic, which affect rates of vaccination as well as vaccine effectiveness. For example, the content of mercury as a preservative agent is a real problem. Mercury accumulation is neurotoxic and the reason why campaigns against vaccines over the last several decades have rightly resulted in the removal of mercury from childhood vaccines. Authorities pushing vaccination without addressing mercury content is extremely disingenuous, especially since inoculation against covid requires multiple vaccinations and thus an increased dose of mercury, especially of a type which remains in the brain for long periods of time. While this dose still is not as toxic as exposure to many kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in our food supply, clothing, furniture, cookware, soaps and cosmetics, and other medications, it is still a liability and I believe that it has contributed to the deaths of very elderly individuals who are vulnerable to these kinds of stresses, who got the vaccine and then died of brain hemorrhage or stroke. But COVID also kills by hemorrhage, such as is occurring rarely but not rare enough even in young people whether or not they received any medical treatment. COVID was first suspected as being a respiratory disease, and while it is transmitted by respiratory particulate it is primarily a disease of the bloodstream, which is also why COVID toes is a symptom of infection and why brain hemorrhage is one common cause of mortality, so being afraid of vaccine side effects and mercury but not stroke or hemorrhage from the actual virus is simply trying be in control of biology and mortality and our personal fate, because the vaccine is something you can see and touch but the virus is not, which is understandable, but in reality your choice is the vaccine, or the virus, and the latter has the higher mortality rate.

The real problem with vaccines for COVID is that they have a limited window of efficacy. There was for a long time in this country an assumption that pandemics could be ended by vaccination, stupidly not accounting for those who would resist vaccination but also failing to understand that vaccination only triggers natural functions which already exist in the human body and is not in and of itself a panacea. Immunity to COVID from infection only lasts at most six-months from the time of infection, and as such so does the vaccine as I wrote in this article back in March. The government still doesn’t have a plan to address this other than to keep people getting vaccinated every six months, which is utterly impossible and will completely fail as a strategy to end the pandemic, and also serves to fuel conspiracy theories that the pandemic is merely a source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry (which, if you are inclined to believe, I would like to assure you that catastrophes do not need the assistance of human beings to start, and humans have always exploited others for personal gain, again it does not need conspiracy to exaggerate already that which is malfeasance). Coronaviruses (which is what COVID is caused by) exist everywhere in our environment, and people have in fact been infected and died of coronaviruses regularly and long before COVID occurred, albeit at very, very low rates of occurrence. The only reason you haven’t heard of them before is because those infections normally have a very low rate of transmission and do not jump to pandemic levels, or are not even identified as a cause of death because it is so localized and rare. But many of the pandemic scares of the past were from coronaviruses, because scientists have long recognized how widespread coronaviruses are in wildlife as well as the high potential of it jumping to human beings. It was only a matter of time before a coronavirus pandemic occurred, and it has, and now we know what it does and how the world responds. COVID might be endemic now, which means that like polio, plague, or tuberculosis of the past, it is probably here to stay. But, like polio, most humans are naturally resistant not to infection but to debilitating side effects, because of our natural immune factors which fight viruses. Many alternative health ideas are in wide circulation about COVID, such as using vitamin D or vitamin C, but I promise you most of them are not accurate or even helpful, lots even terribly bad for you, and many people who are susceptible to infection have died because they wanted to believe themselves immune, which is not the case. You cannot decide that you are immune. That is not how biology works. But there are simple things you can do to improve your resistance to bad COVID side effects, which I discuss at length in my article How To Improve Resistance to COVID-19, as well as how to treat it if you do get infected (but you must go to the hospital if your infection is very severe).

It is okay to be afraid of viruses, of COVID, of vaccines, of dying. These are scary things and life is often uncertain and full of hardship. But vaccination is still useful, especially if you have a job which puts you amongst other people regularly or if you wish to resume normal social activities. It will not prevent you from spreading COVID, though, so you should keep this in mind while going about your daily life. The only thing that vaccination does is to reduce your chances of having serious medical complications from being infected by this coronavirus and shortening the window in which you can pass it on. Some people will be more sensitive to the side effects of vaccines, if you have preexisting conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, or immune incompetence. In this case you can use some nutrients or medications to help treat side effects like vitamin C or riboflavin. Aspirin can help reduce inflammation too but don’t take it when you are getting the shot, because the inflammation is required to trigger immunity. Iodine can help chelate mercury out of the body, so once you have gotten the vaccine you can take regular, small doses of iodine. Do not take in high doses regularly because that can cause its own problems. Silicic acid from a supplement of horsetail or bamboo can also help chelate mercury as well (NOT supplemental silica, which does not have the same effect—it must be from plants high in silica), but these can also contain anti-thiamine factors so take them in high doses occasionally, not in chronic or daily doses. Immune inflammation is also often promoted by exposure to nitrates or due to high endogenous nitric oxide production, which is a complex issue and beyond the scope of this article so I will instead refer you to my book, Fuck Portion Control for that one, as well as eating a diet which helps support antioxidant function and overall redox status as described therein. The most important nutrient to consume whenever using any pharmaceutical, not just vaccines, are sulfurous foods such as from the brassica family. Normally we get sulfur from sulfurous amino acids in the transsulfuration pathway, but this can be interrupting during aging or metabolic disease and our liver requires sulfur to sulfate xenobiotics (drugs), hormones, and toxic stuff, so using plant sources high in sulfur like broccoli, collard greens, or asparagus can really help your body detoxify the side effects of things like vaccines and other medications.

Such accessible strategies are probably the only way to get control over this pandemic, certainly in your own individual experience, since that now it is widespread there is not much governments and institutions can do to fully stop it. This does not mean we can also go about our time as if it doesn’t exist. Continuing to spread it through wanton inaction and selfish behavior will only make life harder for you, not easier, so please wear masks and social isolate if the virus is active in your area. Find new ways to fulfill your social needs which also protect yours and your family’s health, and try to have a more compassionate view of other humans. Even those you might consider to be your enemy are still trying their best, even if they don’t know how to do it very well, they do not deserve your contempt and derision, no matter what their point of view might be. In the long run, it only serves to draw out this problem rather than solve it, and so we all continue to suffer as a result. If you are finding the pandemic stress to be getting to you, my other articles “Be Joyous and Thrive,” “Fear is Your Enemy,” or “Things Will Get Better Soon” may help.