The Truth About American Politics

Last year I had been spending some time with my parents. They are conservative and consume conservative media, and I have not had much of a relationship at all with them ever since they kicked me out of the house at eighteen years of age for being gay, after which I attempted suicide and afterward struggled with depression and alcoholism for many years (the main story of my book, Fuck Portion Control).

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There Is No Such Thing As A Superfood

Several years ago when I was active in online forums trying to help people, an insane lady yelled at me when I talked about how the amino acid tryptophan in milk converts in the human body either to niacin or serotonin, depending on certain metabolic conditions in the human body, where niacin promotes metabolic activity and serotonin alternatively slows down the metabolism, both regulatory branches which help to run human biology.

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Obesity in Agricultural Communities

A natural extension of my work has been an increased interest and preoccupation with agriculture, farming, and food production. One of the most noble professions, growing food is actually one of the most precarious foundations of human society, with the great majority of us taking for granted that a constant food supply is an easy feat to achieve.

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The Origins Of Christmas

In 1984 when I was four years old my family lived on the island of Oahu in the town of Kailua. My father’s sister was nannying for us, and my grandparents visited during Christmas. One of my very first memories (if not the first) is looking up with joy from my newly opened Christmas present—a large, Caribbean-blue, plush My Little Pony…

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The Silent Cocaine Epidemic

In the mid-90’s when I was in elementary school in Utah we had, each year, a visit from the local police department and volunteer teenagers from the D.A.R.E program to come into our classrooms to shame and scare us away from using drugs. As a direct consequence of their involvement when I became an adult and was addicted to alcohol it took 15 years and serious consequences of my addiction to finally bring me awareness of my problem.

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The Real Problem With COVID Vaccines

During the course of some research I was doing on the role of vitamin D in the course of tuberculosis infection, which used to be a major cause of mortality in the world and would frequently take half the members of entire families, I came across a surprising fact about polio which I had not known before, which was that while the effects of polio could be extremely devastating and result in lifelong debilitation…

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Intention is Stupid and Unproductive

Social media can be really great for a lot of reason, but it’s impossible to peruse instagram, tik tok, and other outlets without seeing a nauseating volume of garbage about changing your mindset to find happiness, practicing discipline and self deprivation for goals, or setting intention to change your fate and the function of the universe.

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Why You're Not a Bad Person

My family has a home video of me at nine years of age taken on Christmas Eve in which I tell one of my sisters they are going to be in big trouble if they don’t behave. I had a heavy lisp as a kid, and the clip is a serious source of laughter and has become somewhat of a catchphrase whenever memories of our childhoods are revisited.

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The Future of Effective Medical Research

I have been doing academic research on human biology for the last six years, nearly every single day of my life since I started has been spent reading studies, taking notes, cross referencing, and then using that data in my personal life and to further my research. In my notes on gut health and microbial pathogens alone I have 717 studies. I have used more than 1,500 in the course of writing my books.

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Chronic Back Pain

When my Dad was a young man he fell off a roof while working a construction job and herniated a vertebral disc. Thinking it wasn’t serious he had my other walk on his back in an attempt to pop or fix whatever was wrong, and the pain was so great it nearly paralyzed him.

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Be Joyous and Thrive

What is it by which you define success? Do you desire money, to build a large home and fill it with things? Do you wish to be a healthy young person blessed with virility and unburdened by illness? Do you want a family, or for your own family to grow up and realize their hopes and dreams?

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How to Salad

Salad has become such a polarizing food these days it can’t be discussed without also discussing various health and dietary ideologies along with it. Often used as a substitute for other foods when people on are restrictive diets, salad is (or can be) a very useful and delicious way to get the healthy nutrition we require as human beings.

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Healthy Fried Chicken

The thing that makes other fried chicken unhealthy is not the fat or the frying, but the type oil and the common wheat used. Frying foods in coconut oil turns them into a health food, and using spelt flour instead of common wheat will prevent any stomachaches or inflammation.

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The Psychological Illness Behind Cancel Culture

The internet is full of trolls, drama queens, conspiracy theorists, and an army of cancel-ready soldiers. But in reality there are far more normal, kind, and wonderful people both in the world and online, and like I discuss in much of my work it is only that the former are just louder and more obnoxious that it even seems like there are as many as it seems.

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